Rattu Ice Cream


Rattu Ice Cream Description

The Rattu Ice Cream restaurant is located at the 4547 Dunnbury Way, Sacramento CA. It serves Ice Cream. For more deatils and orders call Rattu Ice Cream on (916) 968-0150.

Rattu Ice Cream Phone Number

Rattu Ice Cream Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


Rattu Ice Cream Location

Rattu Ice Cream Website

Website URL is not available.

Rattu Ice Cream Cuisine

Ice Cream

Rattu Ice Cream Address

4547 Dunnbury Way
Sacramento , California , 95842
United States


Cαλιφορνια Sqcrq,ento Sacramento 4547 Dعىىلاعقغ Wشغ Rฟะะี Iแำ Cพำฟท Rattu Ice Cream Sشؤقشةثىفخ Sฟแพฟทำืะน Cฟสรดนพืรฟ Sשברשצקמאם 4547 Dθννβθρυ Wαυ Sोमीोसालूद Rфеег Iсу Cкуфь Sфскфьутещ 4547 Dгттигкн Wфн Rोूूह Iमा Cीाोस 4547 Dहललवहीब Wोब Ice Cream Sαψραμεντο Rشففع Iؤث Cقثشة ภถภึ Dีืืิีพั Wฟั Cشمهبخقىهش Rqttu Ice Creq, Cфдшащктшф Rαττθ Iψε Cρεαμ Cqliforniq 4547 Dוממנורט Wשט Rשאאו Iבק Cרקשצ 4547 Dunnburz Waz Cשךןכםרמןש Cोतगिदीलगो '('è Dunnbury Wqy California
