Il Fiume

Overall Rating 4.0 (1 reviews)


Il Fiume Description

The Il Fiume restaurant is located at the 11110 Queens Blvd, Forest Hills NY. It serves Italian, American and Cafe. The avarage rating of this restaurant rated by 1 reviewers is 4.0. For more deatils and orders call Il Fiume on (718) 520-6251.

Il Fiume Phone Number

Il Fiume Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


Il Fiume Location

Il Fiume Website

Website URL is not available.

Il Fiume Cuisine

Italian , American , Cafe

Il Fiume Address

11110 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills , New York , 11375
United States


Fदीाेू Hगतते Italian Food Fщкуые Hшдды Fخقثسف Hهممس Fορεστ Hιλλσ Italian Iم Fهعةث Fนพำหะ Hรสสห Iλ Fιθμε Nำไ Yนพา Nाै Yदीक Iत Fगहसा Nες Yορκ Nуц Yщкл American Cafe Il Fiu,e Iд Fшгьу ๅๅๅๅจ Qีำำืห Bสอก Nez York 11110 Qθεενσ Bλωδ Forest Hills Nק' Yםרל &&&&à Queens Blvd Fםרקדא Hןךךד 11110 Qгууты Bдмв Nثص Yخقن Iส Fรีทำ 11110 Qहााले Bतन् Iך Fןוצק New York Il Fiume 11110 Qعثثىس Bمري 11110 Qוקקמד Bךהג 11110 Queens Blvd
