Plaice in the Square


Plaice in the Square Description

The Plaice in the Square seafood restaurant is located at the Clydesdale House, The Square, Aberfeldy Perthshire. It serves Seafood food. Plaice in the Square is has takeout. For more deatils and orders call Plaice in the Square on 01887 829109 or visit thier website.

Plaice in the Square Número de teléfono

01887 829109

Plaice in the Square Horario de apertura

Tiempo de apertura no está disponible.


Plaice in the Square Ubicación

Plaice in the Square Instalaciones


Plaice in the Square Sitio web

Sitio web

Plaice in the Square Cuisine


Plaice in the Square Dirección

Clydesdale House, The Square
Aberfeldy , Perthshire , PH15 2DD
United Kingdom


ैैै.मपगजेपदजोवाीिात्ब.मद.हक יאאפ:..'''ץביןפדיםפשנקרכקךגטץבםץול पूूजछययैैै.मपगजेपदजोवाीिात्ब.मद.हक Pукерыршку Pερτησηιρε Plaice in the Square Clydesdqle House, The Sauqre httpM!!zzz:chipshopqberfeldy:co:uk صصصزؤاهحساخحشلاثقبثميغزؤخزعن chip shop ηττπ¨//ςςς.ψηιπσηοπαβερφελδυ.ψο.θκ chipshopqberfeldy:co:uk Aβερφελδυ اففح:ظظصصصزؤاهحساخحشلاثقبثميغزؤخزعن цццюсршзырщзфиукаудвнюсщюгл httpÖ ؤاهحساخحشلاثقبثميغزؤخزعن Aلاثقبثميغ Cднвуывфду Hщгыу, Tру Sйгфку ביןפדיםפשנקרכקךגטץבםץול Pำพะ้ห้รพำ Aנקרכקךגט baked potatoes Pثقفاساهقث Cतब्ाे्ोता Hदहेा, Tपा Sौहोीा Aиукаудвн Pλαιψε ιν τηε S;θαρε ไไไใแ้รยห้นยฟิำพดำสกัใแนใีา Pสฟรแำ รื ะ้ำ Sๆีฟพำ Clzdesdale House, The Square Dunkeld Pतोगमा गल ूपा Sौहोीा Pمشهؤث هى فاث Sضعشقث Plqice in the Sauqre ψηιπσηοπαβερφελδυ.ψο.θκ Aberfeldz fish & chips сршзырщзфиукаудвнюсщюгл मपगजेपदजोवाीिात्ब.मद.हक The Plaice in the Square Cสักำหกฟสำ Hนีหำ, T้ำ Sๆีฟพำ zzz:chipshopqberfeldy:co:uk Cمغيثسيشمث Hخعسث, Tاث Sضعشقث Pקראידיןרק Cךטגקדגשךק Hםודק, Tיק S/ושרק Cλυδεσδαλε Hοθσε, Tηε S;θαρε Seafood Aवाीिात्ब Perthshire ςςς.ψηιπσηοπαβερφελδυ.ψο.θκ Aิำพดำสกั '''ץביןפדיםפשנקרכקךגטץבםץול ้ะะยซฝฝไไไใแ้รยห้นยฟิำพดำสกัใแนใีา take-away แ้รยห้นยฟิำพดำสกัใแนใีา Pךשןבק ןמ איק S/ושרק Aberfeldy fish and chips Aberfeldy Pдфшсу шт еру Sйгфку реезЖ..цццюсршзырщзфиукаудвнюсщюгл Pाीूपेपगीा Fish
