Vineyard of Italy


Vineyard of Italy Description

The Vineyard of Italy restaurant is located at the 82 Albert Embankment, London Greater London. It serves Italian food. Vineyard of Italy is has takeout. For more deatils and orders call Vineyard of Italy on 020 7735 2224.

Vineyard of Italy Número de teléfono

020 7735 2224

Vineyard of Italy Horario de apertura

Tiempo de apertura no está disponible.


Vineyard of Italy Ubicación

Vineyard of Italy Instalaciones


Vineyard of Italy Sitio web

URL del sitio web no está disponible.

Vineyard of Italy Cuisine


Vineyard of Italy Dirección

82 Albert Embankment
London , Greater London , SE1 7TP
United Kingdom


Gقثشفثق Lخىيخى Lخىيخى Vinezard of Italz Vןמקטשרג םכ Iאשךט Lονδον Greater London Greqter London London Italian 82 Aतवाीू Eसवोलकसालू Vineyqrd of Itqly 82 Albert Embankment 82 Aךנקרא Eצנשמלצקמא Gרקשאקר Lםמגםמ Gพำฟะำพ Lนืกนื Vهىثغشقي خب Iفشمغ Gρεατερ Lονδον Vรืำัฟพก นด Iะฟสั Gкуфеук Lщтвщт 82 Aملاثقف Eةلاشىنةثىف Vштунфкв ща Iефдн Vगलाबोी् दि Iूोतब Lนืกนื Lदल्दल Vineyard of Italy Lםמגםמ ค/ Aสิำพะ Eทิฟืาทำืะ 82 Aдиуке Eьифтльуте 82 Aλβερτ Eμβανκμεντ Gीाोूाी Lदल्दल Vινευαρδ οφ Iταλυ Lщтвщт _é Albert E,bqnk,ent
