Three Tuns Inn


Three Tuns Inn Description

The Three Tuns Inn business is located at the 18 West St, Penryn Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. It serves Pub Food food. For more deatils and orders call Three Tuns Inn on 01326 373977.

Three Tuns Inn Número de teléfono

01326 373977

Three Tuns Inn Horario de apertura

Tiempo de apertura no está disponible.


Three Tuns Inn Ubicación

Three Tuns Inn Instalaciones

Full Alcohol BarFull Alcohol Bar

Three Tuns Inn Sitio web

URL del sitio web no está disponible.

Three Tuns Inn Cuisine

Pub Food

Three Tuns Inn Dirección

18 West St
Penryn , Cornwall and Isles of Scilly , TR10 8EW
United Kingdom


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