Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant


Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant Description

The Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant restaurant is located at the 754 W 35th St, Chicago IL. It serves Chinese food. For more deatils and orders call Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant on (773) 247-9045.

Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant Número de teléfono

(773) 247-9045

Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant Horario de apertura

Tiempo de apertura no está disponible.


Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant Ubicación

Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant Sitio web

URL del sitio web no está disponible.

Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant Cuisine


Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant Dirección

754 W 35th St
Chicago , Illinois , 60616
United States


Chicago Iممهىخهس 754 W 35ер Sе Cاهؤشلخ S'קקא & Sםור Cיןמקדק Rקדאשורשמא Cיןבשעם Chinese Food Iสสรืนรห Sweet & Sour Chinese Restaurant Iततगलदगे Cηιψαγο Cршсфпщ Iλλινοισ Sςεετ & Sοθρ Cηινεσε Rεσταθραντ Sไำำะ & Sนีพ C้รืำหำ Rำหะฟีพฟืะ ึถภ W -ถะ้ Sะ 754 W 35فا Sف Chicqgo Szeet & Sour Chinese Restqurqnt è(' W "(th St Sцууе & Sщгк Cрштуыу Rуыефгкфте Cपगमोुद 754 W 35אי Sא 754 W 35th St Sैााू & Sदही Cपगलाेा Rाेूोहीोलू 754 W 35ूप Sू Sصثثف & Sخعق Cاهىثسث Rثسفشعقشىف 754 W 35τη Sτ C้รแฟเน Iךךןמםןד Iддштщшы Illinois Chinese
