Acme Cafe

Overall Rating 3.1 (12 reviews)


Acme Cafe Description

The Acme Cafe restaurant is located at the 110 Hansen Ave S, Salem OR. It serves Cafe and American food. The avarage rating of this restaurant rated by 12 reviewers is 3.1. For more deatils and orders call Acme Cafe on (503) 798-4736.

Acme Cafe מספר טלפון

(503) 798-4736

Acme Cafe שעות פתיחה

Tu 11:00-21:00
We 11:00-21:00
Th 11:00-21:00
Fr 11:00-22:00
Sa 8:30-22:00
Su 8:30-14:30


Acme Cafe מיקום

Acme Cafe אתר המקום

אתר המקום לא ידוע.

Acme Cafe Cuisine

Cafe , American

Acme Cafe כתובת

110 Hansen Ave S
Salem , Oregon , 97302
United States


Sشمثة 110 Hשמדקמ Aהק S Cafe 110 Hشىسثى Aرث S Sфдуь Sqle, Salem 110 Hфтыут Aму S Oρεγον Oкупщт Sोतास Aבצק Cשכק Sαλεμ Sשךקצ Oרקעםמ American Oقثلخى Acme Cafe Oीाुदल Ac,e Cqfe Aؤةث Cشبث Sฟสำท &&à Hqnsen Ave S Aमसा Cोिा 110 Hανσεν Aωε S ๅๅจ Hฟืหำื Aอำ S 110 Hansen Ave S Oพำเนื Aψμε Cαφε Aแทำ Cฟดำ Oregon Aсьу Cфау 110 Hोलेाल Aना S
